Golf School Potential For You
So, you are going to go to a golf school! What are your golf school expectations for your experience? As you are very excited to set your golf school expectations and get your game on track, you stop and think. How can I best prepare myself to get the most out of the golf school? Below are some things to expect and some tips to enjoy your
Ping G10 Fairway Woods decision.1. You should consider another golf school, if the school you're interested in, doesn't have at least a four to one student/teacher ratio.2. You will hit more range balls in one day than you ever have in your entire life.3. Take a note pad to jot down notes before, during and after an instructor is speaking. You will be receiving more
Ping G15 Fairway Wood information the swing than you have ever heard before as well. In turn do not be afraid to take notes and ask questions. This is why you are there, right? 4. The golf school you attend should include at least one playing lesson with an instructor in the group. It is one thing to practice by hitting range balls but another step up onto a tee and
Taylormade R9 Fairway Wood play the course and put your golf tips into practice.5. The golf school should offer video analysis of your swing as part of the schedule. In addition, you should get receive feedback from a launch monitor. This should not be an extra expense to you. 6. In your free time what other activities are available? You may want to play however you will be hitting more range balls than usual and may be ready to do something else before the sun goes down.